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PQ.HOSTING-VPS / VDS, serwery dedykowane i VPN w ponad 30 krajach
Poznajmy się! Jesteśmy firmą PQ.Hosting (Perfect Quality Hosting). U nas możesz przechowywać swoje projekty na idealnych serwerach. 4 lata z powodzeniem rozwijamy się, rozwijamy, ulepszamy i zapewniamy niezawodny dom dla ponad 35 000 projektów o różnych skalach.

Zalety PQ.Hosting:
✔️ Pierwszą i najważniejszą rzeczą jest możliwość wyboru lokalizacji w jednym z ponad 30 krajów;
✔️ Różnorodność planów taryfowych;
✔️ Najlepszy stosunek ceny do wydajności, serwery od 4.77 € miesięcznie;
✔️ Bezpłatny i szybki transfer witryny oraz przyjazne wsparcie 24/7;
✔️ Aktywacja serwera w zaledwie 15 minut;
✔️ Wyłącznie własny sprzęt - w centrach danych poziomu od poziomu 2 do poziomu 4;
✔️Duży wybór metod płatności (ponad 30 usług, walut i systemów);
✔️ Ochrona stron internetowych przed atakami DDoS.

Zakładamy, że masz pytania. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć na najczęściej zadawane pytania.

1. Gdzie dokładnie będą przechowywane projekty?
W ponad 30 lokalizacjach do wyboru: Holandia, Rosja, Mołdawia, Ukraina, Łotwa, Litwa, USA, Hongkong, Kanada, Niemcy, Słowacja, Czechy, Wielka Brytania, izrael, turcja, Polska, Bułgaria, Rumunia, Włochy, Finlandia, Węgry, Portugalia, Szwecja, Szwajcaria, Kazachstan, Serbia, Grecja, Hiszpania, Francja, Irlandia. Wkrótce ogłosimy kolejne 2 kraje-Indie i Estonię.

Wszystkie serwery są pod niezawodnym nadzorem, ponieważ do współpracy wybieramy najlepsze z najlepszych centrów danych. Aby zapewnić pełną niezawodność, używamy tylko stojaków i sprzętu technicznego, a całe "żelazo" jest w pełni nasze, sprawdzone, od wiodących światowych producentów.

2. Na czym będą przechowywane projekty?
Tylko na dyskach SSD i NVMe. Innych nie trzymamy. Do wyboru są zarówno super wydajne serwery dedykowane, jak i bardziej ekonomiczne VPS z elastycznym systemem taryfowym i wirtualizacją KVM.

3. Jak szybko będą działać projekty?
Tak szybko, jak to możliwe, możesz nawet nie mieć wątpliwości. A jeśli chodzi o szybkość pomocy technicznej — nasz specjalista zareaguje na twoje zapytanie w ciągu 30 minut o każdej porze dnia i nocy. Ponadto wiele procesów jest zautomatyzowanych, co pozwala nam działać jeszcze szybciej: na przykład twój VPS będzie w pełni gotowy w ciągu 15 minut po dokonaniu płatności.

4. Jak można zarządzać projektami?
Zapewniamy ogromny wybór paneli sterowania i oprogramowania, w zależności od potrzeb. Potrzebujesz oddzielnego adresu IP-łatwo, jesteśmy członkami RIPE NCC ze statusem LIR.

5. Kto odpowiada za bezpieczeństwo projektów?
Przede wszystkim my. Pomimo tego, że w partnerskich centrach danych zainstalowane są wiodące systemy ochrony i bezpieczeństwa, całodobowe wsparcie techniczne i niezawodna ochrona, nasi specjaliści dodatkowo monitorują stan wszystkich systemów 24/7.

6. To oficjalne?
Ma się rozumieć. Całe oprogramowanie jest licencjonowane, a umowy są zawierane zgodnie z prawem kraju, w którym serwery są hostowane.

7. Ile to kosztuje i jak zapłacić?
Koszt VPS - w zależności od taryfy, zaczynając od 4.77 € miesięcznie. Szeroka gama taryf pozwala wybrać żądaną konfigurację dla projektów o dowolnej złożoności. Możesz zapłacić na wiele sposobów: od zwykłej karty bankowej po kryptowaluty.

8. Czy zapewniasz okres testowy?
Oczywiście. Przez 3 dni możesz przetestować całkowicie za darmo dowolną taryfę. Szczegóły uzyskania testu na naszej stronie: https://pq.hosting/test-vps

9. Co jeśli chcę test VPS na dłuższy okres?
Specjalnie dla was uruchomiliśmy promocję. O co chodzi: piszesz uczciwą recenzję na temat PQ.Hosting i subskrybujesz nasze sieci społecznościowe, a my dajemy Ci dodatkowe 30, 14 lub 7 dni na twoje zamówienie VPS. Więcej: link

Ale to nie wszystko - na kod promocyjny TAXI wszyscy nowi klienci czekają na 15% zniżki.

Scandinavia and the Baltic are behind us, we descend to the south, through the Alps. Hello, Austria, the 33rd country on the PQ.Hosting list!

And in honor of this – a discount of as much as 33% on all tariffs in Austria using the promo code austira! Attention: hurry up! The possibility of ordering with a discount is valid only a day from the date of publication of this post.
Now about the data center itself. Our choice in Austria settled on Interxion from PlatformDIGITAL. Over 15 years of operation, the reliability rating of data centers of this company has reached 99.999%.

The center is located in Vienna, the capital of the country, 25 km from the airport, in a large historical shopping center and an important gateway between the regions of Western, Central and Eastern Europe.

The data center has ISO 22301 and ISO 27001 certificates. Power supply and climate control are duplicated according to the 2N+1 scheme, complex water and smoke detection systems are installed.
The entire data center is monitored around the clock by a video surveillance system and security patrols directly on the territory. Access control is carried out in several stages, in particular, by contactless key cards and biometric sensors.


But that's not all the news!

For the upcoming holiday — Children's Day, we decided to support the younger generation and help children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

If you also care about the future of children from socially vulnerable backgrounds, we offer you to join our new campaign. Everyone can order or extend a VPS server in any of the available countries and thus support children and help them fulfill their most cherished desire — to live a normal life.

The cost of virtual servers starts from € 4.77 per month.

20% of the cost of all orders and server extensions in the period from May 10 to May 31 will be transferred to the Republican Children's Fund "Speranta", which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. This is a public charity organization that aims to help orphans, as well as children from children's institutions in need of help.

With this promotion, we want to make our contribution and please those who need it the most! Let's do good deeds together!


But that's not all!

We are pleased to announce that now the prices for SSL have become much lower, and from May 15 until the end of the month a 20% discount on the purchase of certificates will be valid!
Follow the news, we will keep you up to date, but in the meantime we suggest you get acquainted with what SSL is


Our contact phone numbers:
Russia: +7 (499) 677-66-77
Ukraine: +38 (044) 300-28-11
UK: +44 (204) 577-36-61
USA: +1 (929) 566-67-60
Poland: +48 (226) 022-228
Israel: +972 (238) 03-556
Moldova: +373 (699) 33-1-22

Always yours, the PQ.Hosting team.


We come to you with two good news! Let's start in order!

The first news:
Now PQ.Hosting offers a test period for those who wanted, but did not dare to purchase a server. You can test the server you need for free for 3 days, and in the future, if you are satisfied with it, pay for it.
Learn more: https://pq.hosting/test-vps

The second news:
Do you use our VPS and want to share your impressions with others? We will be only glad, and we will also give you from 7 to 30 days of free use of VPS for posting reviews on sites and subscribing to us in social networks. networks! Go for details https://pq.hosting/gift-vps

That's all, but stay tuned, we have a lot of interesting things prepared ahead!

Our contact phone numbers:
Russia: +7 (499) 677-66-77
Ukraine: +38 (044) 300-28-11
United Kingdom: +44 (204) 577-36-61
USA: +1 (929) 566-67-60
Poland: +48 (226) 022-228
Israel: +972 (238) 03-556
Moldova: +373 (699) 33-1-22

Always yours, the PQ.Hosting team.
So, we solemnly declare that we have conquered proud and cold Scandinavia, having reached Norway — 34 countries in the geography of PQ.Hosting servers!

PQ.Hosting servers are now installed in the IP-Only data center, located in a quiet suburb of the Norwegian capital Oslo.

The total capacity of the data center is about 250 racks with dual access control.

Backup cooling, network connections, as well as power supply are duplicated according to the 2N principle. An automatic fire extinguishing system is functioning.

Despite the distance from the city center, it is quite easy to get to the data center by metro or bus. We will definitely do it sometime sometime to share with you a photo report from the event.

Now we have full coverage throughout Scandinavia: PQ.Hosting clients can order servers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. And also – in the Baltic States and in many others around the world.

So far we have everything, but very soon we will come back to you with interesting news!

Our contact phone numbers:
Russia: +7 (499) 677-66-77
Ukraine: +38 (044) 300-28-11
UK: +44 (204) 577-36-61
USA: +1 (929) 566-67-60
Poland: +48 (226) 022-228
Israel: +972 (238) 03-556
Moldova: +373 (699) 33-1-22

Always yours, the PQ.Hosting team.

[Obrazek: roboroller.gif]

Unbelievable, but a fact! The most generous promotion in the hosting world


We are announcing a large-scale and the most generous promotion in the history of PQ.Hosting! So, less words, get to the point, let's go! We promise, it will be hot!

1. VPS for 1 euro in Switzerland
Right now you can order a VPS in Switzerland at a unique price — for just 1 euro!
The promotion applies only to the Aluminum tariff.

There is a 30% discount on all other tariffs. When ordering a server for 3 months or more, you get a 50% discount. In order to take advantage of the promotion, use the promo code CRAZYVPS.

2. VPS for half price
In a number of countries, we announce a 30% discount on all tariffs, and when ordering a server from 3 months — all 50%!

The discount applies to server orders in the following countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Israel, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, USA, Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Spain, Greece, Ireland.

3. 20% discount on dedicated servers in honor of the launch of new tariffs
We have launched 4 new dedicated server tariffs. TOP parameters and configurations will pleasantly surprise you:

White Pearl — 160 euros

2 x Intel Xeon E5-2697Av4 (32 cores, 64 threads)
2 x 960 GB SSD
1 Gbps guaranteed speed

Black Pearl — 240 euros.

2 x Intel Xeon E5-2697Av4 (32 cores, 64 threads)
2 x 960 GB SSD
1 Gbps guaranteed speed

Graff Pink — 350 euros.

2 x Intel Xeon E5-2697Av4 (32 cores, 64 threads)
4 x 960 GB SSD
1 Gbps guaranteed speed

White Pearl — 400 euros

2 x Intel Xeon E5-2697Av4 (32 cores, 64 threads)
4 x 960 GB SSD
1 Gbps guaranteed speed
If you were planning to reach a new level of hosting, now is the perfect time to get a powerful server with a good discount (prices are indicated without a discount).

But that's not all! So that you can save money at the start, we have prepared for you a 20% discount on the order and extension of dedicated servers. The promotion is valid for both new and old configurations.

In addition, a personal manager will be connected to you absolutely free of charge, and our team will take over the full administration of your server.

4. Reliable VPN for 1 euro
50% discount on WireGuard VPN — only 1 euro per month!

5. 25% discount on all Hi-CPU VPS/VDS tariffs (4.5 GHz)
Hi-CPU virtual servers are located on the latest Intel E2288G server processors, DDR4 ECC RAM and NVMe disks from Intel Data Center version. You can get acquainted with the tariffs on our website.

6. We give you an SSL certificate from GlobalSign
We also decided to distribute the popular commercial SSL certificate Alpha SSL from GlobalSign to the first 100 users who subscribe to our social networks:

VKontakte: https://vk.com/pqhosting
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pqhosting1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HostingPq
Telegram: https://t.me/pq_hosting
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pq.hosting/
And they will leave a review on one of the following sites:
After that, create a ticket to the sales department, and we will quickly issue you an SSL certificate.

7. Free ispmanager
When ordering any server from PQ, you get an ispmanager license for a month absolutely free of charge.

8. Lifetime 10% discount on VPS
Tell us that you use PQ.Hosting services in the basement of your site, write to us and get a permanent 10% discount on the order and VPS renewal. For ready-made banners, you can contact the sales department through the ticket system.

9. Project transfer! 1 month of VPS as a gift when moving from another hosting
If you have been wanting to switch to another hosting for a long time and can't decide, it's time to do it! We will transfer your site from another hosting provider to us for free and most importantly, quickly and give you 1 month of VPS at the optimal rate for you.

important! To activate the above discounts (except for 1 promotion), specify the promo code CRAZYSALE at the payment stage.

Please note that there is no refund for the service provided under the promotion, as well as the transfer of the issued service to another location.

The promotion is valid until June 30. This is the last promotion of this season, hurry up to take advantage of the offer, the number of servers at a special price is limited. Take advantage of the promotion and save money right now!

10. Earn on proven quality together with PQ.Hosting!
Reselling hosting: https://pq.hosting/reseller
Affiliate program: https://pq.hosting/partners

That's it for us. Hurry up to buy for the future, this is the last promotion of the season!

Our contact phone numbers:
Russia: +7 (800) 707-83-77
UK: +44 (204) 577-36-61
USA: +1 (929) 566-67-60
Poland: +48 (573) 503-777
Israel: +972 (238) 03-556
Switzerland: +41 (22) 508-77-76
Moldova: +373 (699) 33-1-22

Always yours, the PQ.Hosting team.


Faster, more reliable, more spacious: added 10 GB of space on all VPS tariffs!

A caring hosting provider knows how important it is to configure the VPS settings for the client. We are pleased to announce a significant improvement in our servers. Drum roll! Now each new VPS is provided with an additional 10 GB of space!

The team of PQ.Hosting professionals hears customers and knows what you need. The additional space on the servers will help improve the performance of the site, application or project, making them even more efficient.

We are changing for the better, increasing momentum and doing everything possible for the success of our customers. The infrastructure used is always aimed at high availability and reliability. Each rack is equipped with redundant uninterruptible power supplies, and the cooling system is duplicated to ensure ideal working conditions... in all 34 countries of our presence.

Order a new VPS server right now and enjoy the benefits of extra space! We will make your online journey fast and confident.

Choose PQ.Hosting! Your success is our priority!


Once we started with the Netherlands, so it was doubly pleasant to open next door, in Belgium.

PQ servers are installed in the Digital Realty company's data center in the country's capital, Brussels.

The building itself is quite impressive in size – more than 10,000 sq km – is located 10 minutes' drive from Brussels Airport and is connected to 100 telecom operators.

Power is provided by two independent sources, with a backup in the form of UPS and a generator with a fuel reserve for a very long time.

Cooling and climate control are reserved according to the N+1 cooling scheme, an advanced water and smoke detection system is installed.

The data center has passed compliance with the quality certificates s ISO 14001, ISO 27000, ISO 22301.

And according to our tradition, of course, we have prepared a 35% discount on VPS in Belgium using the promo code 35BELGIUM

The promotion is valid until 23:59 09.08.2023

Do not miss the opportunity to buy your server in Belgium at a bargain price!

And besides, now you can order up to 20 additional IP addresses for VPS starting from the Argentum tariff!

Always yours, the PQ.Hosting team.

More powerful, faster and more affordable — 10 Gbit/s in Germany

It's no secret that any business, and especially the online format, is based on the quality of service, the service provided and its speed. You may ask, what does PQ.Hosting have to do with it? It's very simple — we are responsible for the speed.

Let's not torment with our cool news! We have increased the speed of the port in Germany — now you have at your disposal not the usual 1 Gbit/s, but a high-speed 10 Gbit/s!

Increase the productivity of your IT projects, order a powerful virtual server in Germany with 10 Gbit/s and on powerful NVMe disks of the DataCenter version.

PQ.Hosting summarizes the results of 2023
The year 2023 was filled with bright events and new achievements for us! We have tried to make your experience of working with us even more enjoyable and today we want to sum up the results of the outgoing year:

– Expanded the geography and opened new countries

Now PQ.Hosting servers are already available in 36 countries around the world, and we are not going to stop there! Requests for new locations are coming non-stop, we continue to travel the world and look for the best data centers for you!

– Smooth operation in all directions

The number of servers used by our clients is growing rapidly. Just think about it – over 45,000 servers have already been launched, and there are more than 100,000 users! Unscrewing all the switches to the maximum and further: the average consumption of servers at the moment is recorded – over 170 kW!

– Launched dedicated servers in the USA

Now we are providing dedicated servers in the USA as well, opening up new opportunities for you! The tariff lines are represented by servers running on 2xE5-2697Av4 processors (32 physical cores and 64 threads), DDR4 ECC RAM, Enterprise-level SSD and a 10 Gbit/s Internet channel!

– Rolled out new HI-CPU tariffs in the USA

We recently announced the launch of new HI-CPU tariffs in the United States on powerful AMD Ryzen9 7950X processors. This improvement will allow you to get even more computing resources for your projects! Let's open the veil of secrecy: The Netherlands and Germany will soon be operating at the same capacity!

– We moved to state-of-the-art data centers

Your projects must work non-stop and bring visible results, so we have made 2 major moves to more spacious and powerful data centers!

– Overclocking from 1 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s!

The year 2023 is the year of increasing port speed. So already in the USA, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Iceland, Moldova, Great Britain and the Netherlands, our customers have as much as 10 Gbit/s at their disposal instead of the usual 1 Gbit/s! Our goal is 10 Gbps in each country and we are working hard on this. The geography of high-speed countries will increase soon: Ukraine and Finland are on the way, and while you are reading the results of the year to the end, we have already increased the speed in France! C'est très bien!

– Stood guard over the security of websites and financial transactions

The launch of sales of SSL certificates showed the need for proper use of the transmitted data on the site: without proper encryption, no online store or bank in the digital world can work. We have removed the main problem from our users – by purchasing an SSL certificate from PQ.Hosting, your customers and you will never fall into the trap of scammers!

– We are in touch 24/7!

You know that our first and second lines of technical support are always in touch 24/7 in any convenient format of interaction. We have reached a new level and connected the finance department, which is now also available around the clock! In addition, we have expanded the staff itself – now we have over 30 highly qualified specialists, which means that tickets or chats are processed even faster! And yes – while everyone is making wishes and celebrating with sparkling wine, we work even on New Year's Eve, because we light the stars!

– Launched WireGuard VPN for the server

Now your data is securely protected: choose any country and set up the security of the transmitted information in two clicks – browse websites or watch videos without worrying about data leakage! VPN is a beloved service that is available to everyone and is now available in all countries. Very soon we will release the developed application according to an individual protocol for even more comfortable use.

– Reviewed the affiliate program and…

...improved conditions for resellers! We have heard your wishes, and now you can earn even more with PQ.Hosting! Recommend us to your customers and receive up to 20% of all payments!

– Events under
the PQ.Hosting brand PQ.Hosting is not only a powerful international hosting provider, but also the general sponsor of the past ADRENALINE FEST drag racing championships and the Moldovan women's national volleyball team! Those who need more care have not been left without our attention – these are the younger generation and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation!

– PQ.Hosting: 5 years with you!

We celebrated our first anniversary! Hooray, hooray, hooray! We say "Thank you!" to each of you! After all, you are the main driver of development and the impetus for creating something new: opening new locations, launching new tariffs, solving new cases and expanding the coverage scale! Let's drive on!

This is only a small part of what was done in 2023 – improving the quality of services provided, purchasing new equipment, moving to powerful data centers: all this is done to improve the performance of your projects. We have not stopped growing for a minute, and at the same time we have a distinctive feature – PQ.Hosting does not raise prices or tariffs, but on the contrary makes them the same all over the world! We don't stop there and put an ellipsis in our development book! New achievements, victories, events and a lot of news are waiting for us in 2024!

PQ.Hosting wishes you a Happy New Year and wishes you harmony, kindness and fulfillment of your wishes! Hooray, hooray, hooray! See you in the New Year 2024!
✔️ HI-CPU тарифы: теперь доступны в Нидерландах с PQ.Hosting!

PQ.Hosting предоставляет клиентам наилучшие технологические решения для развития вашего бизнеса! Недавно мы рассказали о запуске высокопроизводительных HI-CPU тарифов в США, а сейчас рады сообщить, что эти же тарифы теперь доступны (https://pq.hosting/vps-hi-cpu-nl) в новой локации — Нидерландах! Процессоры AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950Х превратят ваш компьютер в безупречно функционирующую многозадачную машину.

Обновили наши серверы, чтобы обеспечить высокую производительность и стабильность работы. DDR5 ECC память и 10 Gbps порт — это идеальная комбинация для мгновенного и безупречного выполнения сложных задач. Мы готовы к новым вызовам!

Выбирайте качественные и высокопроизводительные серверы HI-CPU от PQ.Hosting в Нидерландах прямо сейчас для своего бизнеса! Заказывайте (https://pq.hosting/vps-hi-cpu-nl) уже сейчас и получите надежное и эффективное решение для работы в онлайн-среде! ⚡️

Если вы еще сомневаетесь в том, какой сервер идеально подойдет под ваши нужды - свяжитесь с нашим менеджером в Telegram @PQHosting_support - он детально поможет вам пройти путь от выбора конфигурации до момента оплаты вашего заказа, а также через него вы можете получить скидку на покупку сервера! Не упустите шанс улучшить свой онлайн бизнес и получить выгодное предложение. Напишите нам в Telegram и начинайте работать с профессиональными серверами уже сегодня! Акция ограничена, не теряйте времени!

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Użytkownicy przeglądający ten wątek: 13 gości